Friday's Five

Well, hello!  I *think* it might finally be spring, and I'm so glad it's Friday...I haven't worked a five day week in a while, and I'm exhausted!  Here are five things I'm dying to share this week:

1. The whole time I was running the Pitter Pat 10k I was thinking how fun it would be to come home and write about all the great moments I was having.  Then I went home and took a nap and forgot everything I was going to write about. went great, I came in in 56:21, and it was cold. There's #29!

2. My newly painted and rehabbed dressing room is beautiful and I love it. It's just a gray room with clothing racks, but it makes me feel like a princess.  Oh, shoot.  That's #100. 

3. I am now obsessed with Feedly.  Honestly, I never really figured out Google Reader, and I just had a million blogs on my reading list on my iPad.  But I had to visit each one to see new posts, and it sooked.  Now, new posts come to me.  So stylishly, too.   

4. I bent down to talk to a student on Monday and ripped the rear of my pants.  I've had this happen before (I teach first grade--They are way down there!)  but before it ripped in the front.  I kept casually trying to feel the front of my pants for a rip, but I couldn't find anything.  Yep, it was in the back.  Huge hole.  Pink underwear.  Had bus duty in the gym after school. *sigh*

5. Someone please explain to me, in great detail, how to fix my hair like Megan Draper.  Why is this so hard for me?!

How was your week?  What are your weekend plans?

Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction in public?

Any big goals accomplished lately?

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